Make Your Own Homemade Carpet Freshener

Homemade Carpet Freshener

I have been using Homemade Carpet Freshener for years.  So, today I decided to include it on my blog.  Whenever I make carpet freshener, I will sometimes make air freshener.  I use most of the same ingredients with a little special addition for the Homemade  Air Freshener.  I really like this homemade carpet freshener.  Plus, I have a dog and I really don’t like using the store-bought carpet freshener due to the fact that she’s always sniffing around on the floor.  It’s really simple to make and you can use any type of essential oil to add fragrance.  If you don’t want it scented, just go with plain baking soda. (Baking soda has so many uses!)

Ingredients:  (Just increase or decrease the amount if you want less or more)

  • 3 cups of baking soda
  • 2 teaspoons of essential oil (more or less depending on desired scent)
  • bowl to mix ingredients

Homemade Carpet Freshener



Homemade Carpet Freshener

Pour 3 cups of baking soda in a bowl.  I normally purchase a large box of baking soda to store at home.  I use it for so many different things at home.  It’s always good to have a nice supply on hand.

Homemade Carpet Freshener

When it comes to freshening the baking powder, I start with adding 1 teaspoon and continue until I have the desired scent that I want.  With this amount of baking soda, I will usually average about 2 teaspoon or more of essential oil.  Today, I used a Lemon Eucalyptus.  There are lots of scents to try.  My favorite is just Lemon.  I wanted to try something different. This oil has more of  a soap smell than a lemon smell.  How much oil to add will depend on how strong you want the scent.

Homemade Carpet Freshener

Using a plastic spoon, mix the oil into the baking soda.  Sometimes, little balls will form in the baking soda.  Just mash them down with the spoon.

Homemade Carpet Freshener Homemade Carpet Freshener

I have some container that I’m going to reuse.  I like the first one because it has a nice flip top and wide mouth that will make it easy for pouring in the baking soda.  Plus, it will hold quite a bit of homemade carpet freshener. The second container is nice because it’s like a shaker.  A little neat tip: When you’re trying to remove labels from a container and the glue or some of the paper remains on the container, put some vegetable oil on a paper towel and rub across that area.  It works like magic.

Homemade Carpet Cleaner

To fill the container, I made a makeshift funnel out of paper. It works great.  That’s all there is to it! You now have Homemade Carpet Freshener! If you like this, you may also want to check out my Homemade Air Freshener and Homemade Gel Air Freshener.

Have you tried making your own carpet freshener? What scent do you like to add to your carpet freshener?



  1. Not sure if it’s “that important” but I’ve read that your not supposed to use plastic when mixing essential oils. 🙂 Thanks for the share!

  2. Oh my I need this so much for my area rug that the dog has been on too much. Thanks for sharing and pinning this to my cleaning board.

    • Definitely know what you mean since we have a little dog. Plus, the essential oil that I used in this freshener is strong enough and smells really good….

  3. With the young ones and the more grown up kid in my house I def need some of this.

  4. I love this idea.

  5. I’ve used baking soda but I just sprinkle it out of the next. However, I think it would be nice to make it scented. I have some lavender essential oil that I am going to try. Thanks for the tip.

    • I was going to try lavender this time when I went to the store. I saw it, picked it up, and then decided to stick with the lemon family. Perhaps, next time.


  1. […] I have been using Homemade Carpet Freshener for years. So, today I decided to include it on my blog. Whenever I make carpet freshener, I will sometimes  […]

  2. […] I have been using Homemade Carpet Freshener for years. So, today I decided to include it on my blog. Whenever I make carpet freshener, I will sometimes  […]

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