How to Make Frozen Mini Chicken Pot Pies

How to Make Frozen Mini Chicken Pot Pies

I love chicken pot pies. However, it always seems as though the individual pot pies sold in stores are too much to finish in one setting.   I consider pot pies to be more of a quick bite of food to fill my tummy and not a whole meal.  Plus, these pot pies are an excellent size for little kids.  I thought it would be great to try and make the cupcake size and freeze them for whenever I felt like having a warm snack.  The only problem is that the stores only sell the individual size aluminum containers for making pot pies.  I found a 6 cupcake tray. I had to do a little bit of cutting and folding to get them to an individual size.  This is a simple and quick recipe that you can make and freeze for baking anytime you want an individual snack.


  • 1 cup of baked chicken or more
  • 1 bag of frozen mixed vegetables
  • 1/2 can of Cream of Chicken  (1 can for thinner filling)
  • 1 cup of chicken stock
  • 2 tbs milk
  • 3 tbs water (more if you’re wanting a thinner filling)

Directions:  (chicken pot pie filling)

Frozen Mini Chicken Pot Pies

Prepare baked chicken as you normally do.  I made curry chicken for this recipe.  Remove skin before making pot pie filling and cut into small pieces.  Use mix vegetables that you steam in the bag.  I normally use fresh vegetables, but this is a quick recipe to fix. You can also substitute with canned vegetables.

Frozen Mini Chicken Pot PiesFrozen Mini Chicken Pot PiesFrozen Mini Chicken Pot Pies

Mix vegetables, baked chicken, cream of chicken in large bowl.  Pour in chicken stock. I had leftover chicken stock in the fridge from making chicken and dumplings a few days ago.  You can use store bought chicken stock.  Adjust liquid ingredients if you want your pot pie to be a little more watery and not so thick.  Mix ingredients together.  I added a little curry seasoning before mixing.  This is totally optional.  I’m not adding any salt to this recipe because I try to have as little salt as possible in my food. Plus, there is definitely enough sodium in the cream of chicken.

Now, we need to fill the little bowls.

Frozen Mini Chicken Pot Pies

To make the bowls, I bought the Hefty EZ Foil Muffin Pan.  It was a 2-tray pack.  I cut one tray into six individual muffin bowls.  Be careful when cutting because the material is sharp and thin, but can easily be folded under so no sharp points are showing.

Frozen Mini Chicken Pot PiesFrozen Mini Chicken Pot Pies

I’m using a ready-made pie crust since this is an easy recipe for making chicken pot pies.  Roll out pie crust.  I’m using a pie crust on the bottom of this pie.  Some people only like one crust, but I’m a bread girl.  So, it’s a bottom and top crust for me. I used a large rim coffee cut to make the large circle for the bottom crust.

Frozen Mini Chicken Pot PiesFrozen Mini Chicken Pot Pies

Push crust into bottom and press down nicely.  (Skip this step if you’re only going with a top crust.

Frozen Mini Chicken Pot PiesFrozen Mini Chicken Pot Pies

Fill each muffin pan with filling.  Layer crust on top. Please note that this recipe will fill about 8 individual muffin pans.  You can double recipe if making a larger number of frozen pies.

Frozen Mini Chicken Pot PiesFrozen Mini Chicken Pot Pies

Using a fork or butter knife, make the imprints on the edges so that it looks really cute.  Wrap in sturdy plastic wrap for freezing.  Then, place in a strong freezer bag.  Store in freezer.  Now, anytime you want an individual snack or quick snacks for the kids, just pop them in the oven.

Frozen Mini Chicken Pot Pies

If you’re going to fix the pies after preparing them, then make an egg wash and brush over pies.  Place in 375 degrees oven for 30 minutes. (Oven times may vary.)

Note: If baking immediately after preparing recipe, you may want to pre-bake the bottom crust if you would like the bottom crust crispy.  Just place muffin pan with bottom crust in oven for about 15 minutes. (Keep an eye on it so that it doesn’t burn.) Then, fill with pot pie filling, cover with top crust, brush on egg wash and place in oven for 30 minutes.

How to Make Frozen Mini Chicken Pot Pies

These mini pot pies are just the right amount! Plus, they’re oh…so…yummy! Not to mention, they’re perfect for the cold weather that’s coming. (Perhaps, I should make mini apple pies or mini peach pies next.)

Do you like chicken pot pies? Would you rather have a bottom crust and top crust or just a top crust with your chicken pot pie?



  1. I made my pies .did pre cook ………… how do I cook them as dough is raw.what temp and how I unthaw first then cook

  2. If you have left over that have already been baked, could you freeze then warm in the oven when ready to eat? If so, What temp. and for how long? Vthanks.

    • Hi Lei. You can definitely freeze already cooked pies. I didn’t refreeze any of my pies, but have frozen other foods after cooking. I would suggest cooking on 375 or 400 for about 40 minutes or so. It will definitely depend on your oven. Just keep an eye on pie to make sure that it doesn’t burn.

  3. Patricia Paul says

    Thanks for all the tips; used small foil pans for the two of us retired folks; made beef and pork from left over roasts using single crust homemade pie dough. Not sure how to store in freezer to prevent freezer burn, but plan to wrap in plastic as you have suggested.

    • You’re welcome Patricia! Yes, I wrapped them in plastic and then put them in freezer bags. My pies didn’t stay in the freezer too long because my youngest child would pop one in the oven every time she got hungry. Will be making more as the weather gets colder…

  4. I like making chicken pot pie, but never thought to make individual pies. Great idea!

  5. What a great idea! I wonder if I can make these vegan. You have me thinking. I haven’t had a pot pie in so long.

    • Hi Carla. I suppose you could but I guess you’ll have to find something to substitute the chicken broth or cream of chicken when making the filling. My favorite part, along with my kids, is the pie crust. It just makes the whole chicken pot pie a fabulous idea.

      • Once they are frozen…do I thaw them and if not, how long and what temp do I cook them once they come out of the freezer…

        • Hi Beth! I didn’t unthaw them when I took them out of the freezer. I just punch a couple of small holes in the top, put an egg wash glaze over the top and put them in the oven. I used the same temperature as the original recipe. They may need to cook a little longer than the unfrozen ones. Just watch for them to start bubbling through the holes and they’re good.

  6. Hi Sharon, your delicious mini chicken pot pies is one of my Top Features from last week’s Sweet Wednesday Link Party, congratulations! 🙂


  7. Sharon, What a lovely recipe…Thanks for sharing it with us on Twirl and Take a Bow Tuesdays. Hope you’ll join us again! ~Tammy

  8. Thanks for linking up with us at the Four Seasons Blog Hop. These pot pies are so great looking. It bet they taste fantastic too! I love all your delicious recipes. I am pinning this!

  9. I would love to try these. Mini chefs would like it too.

  10. Hi Sharon. Thanks for linking up your recipe for mini chicken pot pies to the Sweet Wednesday Link Party! They look so good and easy to make! Hope you’re having a great week.


  11. Ooooh, yum yum yummers!
    First time visitor here btw, gonna check out the rest of your site now! 🙂

  12. Last year I found a recipe for a regular sized pot pie 9″ but, we are only 3 now & don’t need as much made at once. I love this idea & then to freeze some for another time. Hope your having a great week.

    • Hi Theresa! I definitely love the size. This size is so great for my kids. It gives them just the right amount. Plus, freezing allows them to pop one in the oven when they need a quick meal.

  13. Those look delicious, Sharon. Very clever to cut the tray down to individual portions. 🙂

  14. This is perfect for the kids! My kids love Chicken Pop Pie, but they are usually too big for my 6 and 4 year old, this solves that problem. Great idea!

  15. Hi Sharon,

    Thanks for visiting my blog, and sharing your site. I’m always looking for great DIY blogs to read.

    I’m already struck by your pot pie entry. I have to try this. So much better than store bought.

  16. I love how you made the little pie tins. What a great idea! It sure would be handy to just grab a pot pie for lunch.

  17. This looks so delicious! I have been wanting to make these, seen several on Pinterest that I pinned a couple days ago. I just took chix breast out of the freezer and was wondering how I was going to fix it…ta daaaa! Thanks for the share, gotta run out and get pie crust…. Have a great week!

  18. That looks like a great dinner idea!

  19. Love chicken pot pie but prefer one I make so that I know what is inside! Love this idea and pinned it to make soon. Thanks for another great post!

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