Homemade Chicken Salad with a Barbecue Flavor

Homemade Chicken Salad with a Barbecue Flavor

I baked a whole chicken two days ago.  I decided to make chicken salad with the leftover chicken.  For some reason, it seems that the breast of the chicken is always left over.  So, it’s chicken salad today.  I added barbecue sauce to this chicken salad batch and it was so delicious! The barbecue sauce gave it that smoky barbecue taste. It’s just what I need!


  • 2 cups chopped cooked chicken breast
  • 1/2 cup diced celery
  • 1/4 cup onion
  • 1 boiled egg chopped
  • 1/2 cup or more mayonnaise
  • 1/2 tsp mustard
  • 1/4 tsp sugar
  • 2 tsp barbecue sauce (or more if desired)
  • 1 tsp sweet relish (optional)
  • salt and pepper to season


Homemade Chicken Salad with a Barbecue Flavor

Using a large bowl, pour in cut-up chicken.

Homemade Chicken Salad with a Barbecue Flavor

Pour celery into the bowl with the chicken.

Homemade Chicken Salad with a Barbecue Flavor

Add onions.

Homemade Chicken Salad with a Barbecue Flavor

Then, add chopped egg.  I chopped the egg into really small pieces.

Homemade Chicken Salad with a Barbecue Flavor

When it comes to adding the mayonnaise, start off with the 1/2 cup.  Then, continue to add more as needed.

Homemade Chicken Salad with a Barbecue Flavor

Add mustard.  I only used 1/4 teaspoon, but add more or less for your taste.

Homemade Chicken Salad with a Barbecue Flavor

Add barbecue.  This was my first time adding barbecue sauce and it makes the chicken salad taste fabulous!

Homemade Chicken Salad with a Barbecue Flavor

Add sugar.  It seems to help balance out everything.  Then, season with salt and pepper if needed.  Stir.  I decided to add about a teaspoon of sweet relish at the end.  It’s totally optional.  Toast some bread, spread on the chicken salad, add a handful of potato chips and you’re good to go….


  1. HOLY smokes I’m in love!!! I can’t wait to make for the boys.

    Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a kind comment it made my day 🙂

  2. Your home made salad would taste so much better than store bought.

  3. Great recipe. I can’t wait to do it on my own. Looks delicious!

  4. I love the barbecue flavor touch! Looks and sounds yummy!

  5. Thanks for coming by Let’s Get Real. Love your post and appreciate you taking the time to share.

  6. We had BBQ chicken tonight, and I actually thought to myself, “I wonder if I could make this into chicken salad?” So…thank you! Totally going to try this.

  7. What a great idea! I never thought to add BBQ sauce before. My husband would love this!

  8. Ooo…this sounds good. My kids love BBQ everything and I’m sure they’d love this for a summer lunch.

  9. My husband would absolutely love this!

  10. Charity L. says

    I love making homemade chicken salad!! Tastes so much better than the store bought.

  11. Paula Parker says

    This looks so good. My neighbor makes me chicken salad each year for my birthday. I am going to copy this recipe and make it for hers. It looks that GOOD!!! Thank you!

  12. Hi Sharon – This looks delicious. I’m getting ready to cook two chickens and make chicken salad this weekend too. Thanks so much for sharing with the Let’s Get Real party.

  13. Great recipe, the breast is the first to be eaten in our house.

  14. I never thought to use barbeque sauce with chicken salad…I’m intrigued. I bet it’s great! I’ll be trying this soon. If you have a moment, we’d love for you to stop over at link up with us at Foodie Fridays!

  15. This sounds good. If I try it I will stop back in and let you know what I think. Pinning.

  16. BBQ sauce sounds like a great addition to chicken salad 🙂

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