Homemade Whipped Coconut Oil

Homemade Whipped Coconut Oil

This is my second time trying to use coconut oil.  I bought some last year but did not like it.  I think it had to do with the oily look in the jar.  However, I was determined to give it a second try.  I’ve been seeing a lot of the whipped oil and shea butter recipes going across the web and decided to give it a try.  Let me just say that coconut oil looks so much better whipped.  Plus, there are so many uses for coconut oil, including cooking. Today, I’m using this one as a moisturizing cream for softer skin.

However, I must say that coconut oil will melt if it gets too hot.  It will not melt if the room stays at a comfortable temperature.  You will probably want to use the coconut oil as a moisturizer during the cooler months, like fall and winter.  Those are normally the times of year when I need that extra moisturizer for my dry skin.  This is simple to make and you will only need one ingredient: COCONUT OIL.

Ingredients needed:


Homemade Whipped Coconut Oil

Put coconut oil in a bowl.  I bought a 16oz jar from Whole Foods Market.  I used almost the entire jar to make this moisturizing cream.  The coconut oil will be a little hard, but it wasn’t that difficult to get out of the jar.  Due to my oil having melted, (I left it in the car while shopping), I put the coconut oil in the refrigerator to harden again.

Homemade Whipped Coconut Oil

Using a mixer, start whipping the oil.

 Because it is oil, it will eventually start whipping into cream.

Because it is oil, it will eventually start whipping into cream.  After it gets to a whipped cream stage, scoop into a container with a lid.

Some Suggestions If Problems Occur with Oil turning into Whipped Cream

  • Try putting the coconut oil into the refrigerator to harden if melted.
  • Use two bowls when whipping coconut oil.  If one large bowl put a couple of ice cubes to keep oil cool when whipping.  Place bowl with coconut oil on top of other bowl.  See picture below.
  • Homemade Whipped Coconut Oil

When using whipped coconut oil, only use a tiny amount.  That is all that will be needed. Place small amount on skin and rub into skin.  It leaves a smooth feeling.  I’m loving it! Of course, I will return to update on how satisfied I am with whipped coconut oil as time goes by.  Please note that whipped coconut oil will melt if left in very warm place.




  1. Aldi Swart says

    I tried whipping the coconut oil but after several hours it was as hard as regular coconut oil. Did I do something wrong? It is freezing cold here in South Africa and I think it was whipped as it had a fluffy whipped look. Any advice?

  2. I swear by coconut oil for cuticles and dry skin but this sounds like such an easier way to use it. Usually it gets everywhere lol I have a question, once you whip it, it doesn’t get hard like regular coconut oil will?

    • Hi Krissy! When it is whipped, it creates a creamy-like texture. The only problem I found with this is that it will melt if you try this during the warmer months. I had to put it back in the fridge because it was melting sitting out. However, I will be trying this again during the cooler months which will allow it to hold the texture better. Coconut oil is great! So many uses…

  3. I’m currently teaching English in Vietnam, and there are so many coconuts here. I might have to whip out your idea and try shaving with it. Such a simple recipe 🙂

  4. That was a great idea Sharon! I had a jar of coconut oil I bought a while back and never used. I’m trying it! Thanks for letting us know that it melts in the heat. I live in Texas and it’s pretty hot right now. Can’t wait to try it when it cools down.

  5. Sharon – what a great idea. I am going to try this. I like using the coconut oil as an eye makeup remover.

  6. Great post! I would love it if you joined and contribute your awesome posts at my link party at City of Creative Dreams, starts on Fridays 😀 Hope to see you there at City of Creative Dreams Link Party.

  7. Thing is if I whip it I will both want to eat it and use it as a face cream.

  8. Hi Sharon – I have a nice new jar of organic coconut oil. I have wanted to use it for my skin, but just haven’t done it. This may be the way to give it a try.

  9. I love this idea. I was just thinking this past weekend that it was time to find a natural solution for my dry skin. I’ll be trying this one. Thanks for sharing. I’ll be sure to spread the word.

  10. This looks sooo luscious!

  11. I’ve recently started using coconut oil and am liking it so far. I need to try it whipped!


  1. […] This is my second time trying to use coconut oil. I bought some last year but did not like it. I think it had to do with the oily look in the jar. How  […]

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