Archives for February 2013

How To Make A Fabulous Homemade Pound Cake

My Fabulous Homemade Pound Cake! Nothing makes the house smell more like home than a delicious homemade pound cake.  I decided to whip one up today.  I like to eat my pound cake slices hot out the oven or warm a slice quickly in the microwave.  I know a lot of people like a dollop of ice cream or whip cream and fruits on top.  Not me.  I just like the delicious taste alone.  Just use the ingredients and directions {Read More}

How to Make a Light Bulb

So, you’re thinking about showing your child how to make a light bulb.  Perhaps you have been studying about Thomas Edison and now you want to try and build your own light bulb.  Well, we did.  I homeschool my fifth grader. So, here is our Science experiment on building a light bulb. Items Needed: 6V Battery (I bought the cheaper one from Walmart. Price: Under $3). Glass Bottle ( I bought a soda from Wegmans. Price: $.79) Cork (The best {Read More}

How to Dye Carnations

I was trying to dye carnations for a girl scouts’ meeting.  It didn’t go well at first until I put my science lesson to use.   This is actually a really neat activity to do with your kids.  It will teach them how plants take in water…through the stem.  This is unique in the sense that the kids will notice the carnations turning a different color because of the colored water that the flower takes in through its stem/root. Items needed: {Read More}